How is it that Klune always has a way of capturing what is going on in the world and creating magic and goodness out of it?
If you are looking for nostalgia (especially that simplicity of the 1990's), a sense of belonging, found family, acceptance, believing without seeing...then just maybe this book is for you.
In a world that is turned upside down, where there is a line dividing humanity, where words are spoken out of cruelty and lack of understanding we need that little bit of hope and The Bones Beneath My Skin provides that.
Besides what could be more fun than reading about a cross-country "roadtrip" with rugged good looking ex-marine, an ex-journalist that has no idea how the hell he got where he is, and a little girl that is a little loud, loves bacon, and talks like she is from a bad western movie. Nothing, that's what, nothing is more fun.