ana_rooth's reviews
171 reviews

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Romeo and Juliet, ugh. It's hard to even think about this play without having the threat of my eyeballs rolling straight out of my head. This is probably one of Shakespeare's most misunderstood plays, and that's probably what prompts my fits of irritation, but I don't really want to write an essay right now. My irritations pushed aside though, I recognize it's one of the Shakespeare plays that you just have to read, if you're on a mission to read Shakespeare.

Read it for Mercutio. He is, in my opinion, an early Hamlet and completely awesome. He's like what Hamlet would be like if Hamlet could make people laugh.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare

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What can I say about this play that anybody else including their ancestors have said for the past 400 years? Nothing. So...

I love this play. That is all.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare

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A Midsummer's Night Dream was the play I hated intensely all throughout High School. It was like the song that one kid ALWAYS sang without fail year after year at the Talent Show. We had to read it for Drama class, we had to read it for our after school book club (don't hate), we had to read it for our AP English Lit class, we had to read it a lot.

It's been a few years since High School, though, and now that the play isn't being shoved down my throat by force I find myself kinda missing it. I notice references in TV or movies and jump with nerd-like glee, and realize that maybe people actually like this play by CHOICE. I can see that now.