Bar chart with 43 bars.
Bar chart showing genres of to-read books. The data are as follows: Young Adult - 54 books, Fantasy - 32 books, Romance - 29 books, Contemporary - 26 books, LGBTQIA+ - 24 books, Literary - 23 books, Classics - 23 books, Memoir - 18 books, Science Fiction - 16 books, Dystopian - 13 books, Poetry - 8 books, Graphic Novel - 8 books, Middle Grade - 8 books, Feminism - 7 books, Historical - 7 books, Horror - 6 books, Essays - 5 books, Short Stories - 5 books, Comics - 5 books, Mystery - 5 books, Thriller - 4 books, Childrens - 4 books, Crime - 3 books, Sociology - 3 books, History - 3 books, Biography - 3 books, Autobiography - 2 books, Politics - 2 books, Race - 2 books, Music - 1 book, Philosophy - 1 book, Manga - 1 book, Play - 1 book, Psychology - 1 book, Religion - 1 book, Health - 1 book, Science - 1 book, Travel - 1 book, Magical Realism - 1 book, Education - 1 book, Nature - 1 book, Speculative Fiction - 1 book, Gender - 1 book.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying No. of books. Range: 0 to 60.