A review by nikkihrose
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


A love story. A tragic, yet simultaneously wonderful love story. One for the ages. One where age doesn't matter. One where all time means the same thing. Where time is nothing, and yet everything.

Henry knows everything about Clare before she even knows he exists. But she meets him first. Their love is a waiting game that is meant to withstand the test of time, eager for the good, dreading the bad – but never able to change either.

They meet each other officially in present time when Clare is 20 and Henry is 28. Clare retains all of her memories of their time together as she grew up, but they have yet to happen for Henry. He's thrown for a loop. He's lost. Yet he feels perfectly at home the moment he meets Clare.

Niffenegger explores a common science fiction ideology of time travel throughout this story – this incongruous mesh of stories that all manage to piece together majestically. But it's not about the time travel. It's not about wishing to be somewhere else. It's not about a thirst for power and control. It's not about trying to change what cannot be changed. It's about life. Accepting life as it is. Not destroying life for those who have yet to live it. Appreciating life for what it offers – in any and every way that it offers. Niffenegger depicts the dangers and fears that arise from a chronologically-challenged life. The fear of knowing too much and not knowing enough. The fear of what is to come and what cannot be changed. The loneliness that arises in taking on these challenges alone, lying about them to the majority of the population because no one believes the truth, and the patience of having to wait for what you know – but don't yet know – will happen.

Henry is alone, but he's not alone. Clare is left alone, but always knows that Henry will come back to her. They take on the challenges of life – past, present, future – together. They know that all the pain in the world is worth it just to be together. Potentially the truest and purest love story in existence, especially through its need to jump through time.