A review by awesomelybadbooks
Breaking the Biker by Cassie Alexandra


This installment follows Tank/Justin, as new President of the Gold Vipers, trying to find out who ordered the hit on his father (Slammer). He believes it was someone in The Devil's Rangers who hired a woman to do their dirty work as they know The Gold Vipers will not kill women or children. We find out that the woman who killed Slammer is named Raina and she was told by her brother Cole (a prospect for The Devil's Rangers) that Slammer ordered a drive-by of a party that took the life of her two year old son. However, nothing is what it seems in this particular story!

While you definitely have to suspend belief with most stories you read, this one asks you to suspend just a little further than the others in the series so far.

I am going to continue with the series because I am invested and still finding enjoyment in them (they are also still a great way to pass the time during my weekend shifts). However, the characters are kind of starting to look and feel the same, very copy and paste, no variation of personality. I definitely felt that here now that I'm four books in than I did in the previous three.