A review by readinginmagnolia
Tate by Ella Frank


Hmm…I’m not sure if I liked this or not. It was very angsty and I’m not sure that I buy it. I understand the reaction of Tate and I’m going to mark the rest of this as Spoiler so don’t read the next paragraph if you’re on an app that doesn’t hide spoiler tags. Just know that I thought there were some inconsistencies with the reactions on this particular book. Also I have found that as each new book comes out and I re-read the previous installments, I find myself skipping all the smut scenes and most of the background and just reading the dialogue. Perhaps some of the 5 stars I’ve given this series are probably more of a four star in the end. I’m kind of over the smut scenes being so long and drawn out in this book. I felt that they used sex to connect and while that is consistent with the characters it’s going to be a criticism on my part in this book because after a four year relationship, it should be about more than a physical connection and I think that they held onto their relationship only by the physical connection in parts of this story. Realistically, this would have taken more than 48 hours to resolve.

SpoilerWhat relationship is fixed by sex within 48 hours of one partner saying “no” to a proposal? This is totally unrealistic. I’m not even sure a relationship no matter how solid would last even with a large amount of communication after such a monumental emotional pit, but to have them reconnect within 48 hours with sex? Just no. I do not think that this even remotely would put them anywhere emotionally back to an equal footing, if anything, I would think that it would do the opposite and this is a huge problem that I have with this story. I love that Tate comes to some realizations in the end that bring him onto the same page as Logan and I totally agree that these two particular characters could have eventually reached this point at the end of the book but the hurdles in between were a lot more than could be fixed by sex in the drive-in and a couple of stilted conversations. Just not enough in my opinion to get where the author took them. But they’re her characters and that’s where she took them, I just don’t find it realistic or believeable and I think that it could have been soooo much more.

Ultimately, this turn in the story could have been so much more. I’m disappointed in the way that Tate and Logan worked it out. It felt like more of a short story than a full length 274 page book. I guess if you take away the smut scenes, it probably was. Disappointed, not in the plot driver because I think it was a fabulous idea, but I’m disappointed in the follow-through. It had potential for so much more.