A review by davastewart
The Designer by Marius Gabriel


By the time I decided I didn't like this book at all, I was 70% finished. I should have just stopped because that last 30% was just so bad. So. Bad.

The dialog, where it existed was stilted and odd. The characters were flat, as if the author read Wikipedia pages and tried to turn them into stories.

Near the end the MC gives birth and complains that no one warned her it would be terrifying. No one needs that warning. The whole scene is easily the worst birth scene I've read in a long time, and possibly ever.

There are lots of phrases like "spill the beans" and "good job, kid". There is a gay man, a cocaine-addicted prostitute, a lesbian (who is repeatedly described as "athletic" and "strong"), and Hemingway makes a few appearances - all of which are strangely contradictory. It's as if every stereotype of Paris in the 40s had to be represented. Now that I think about it, there should have been at least one black person, a la Josephine Baker.

Unless you are a Dior fanatic, or you love super cheesy historical fiction, there's not much reason to recommend this one. Francophiles might like it for the fact it's set in Paris, but even that's a stretch.