A review by carriemr
In the Dragon's Fiery Lair by Lois Wickstrom


I really enjoyed this story, this is not what I usually see from this author. Amy knows deep down she has magyck and that comes to fruition on her twelfth birthday. Her grandma and her mother have told her stories about her dad Basil, but in her heart she thinks him to still be alive somewhere. I was scared for her going into the cave on her birthday to discover her magyck, and was very happy her mom decided to go with her. The dragon and genie both seemed like tricksters to me, but it was funny that they, Amy and her mom, kept referring to the dragon as floating bird poop. The adventure in the cave and trying to solve problems was fun to follow along with, the only downside is the ending. I feel it was left very open ended, I really wanted to know what happens to Amy and her family as well as the ghost.