A review by mike_morse
The Silent Land by Graham Joyce


Imagine you're at summer camp. It's late, and you're sitting around the fire with your friends. The woods are dark and spooky around you. The best story teller in the camp or maybe any camp, starts to weave a ghost story. No matter how implausible the story, you go along with it, just for the sheer goose-bumpy eerie pleasure. In the story, strange, repetitive, vaguely frightening things happen, and none of it makes sense, but the story teller is weaving a spell, and you're happy to be under it. When the ending comes, you say you predicted it, but in truth, it was just enough different from what you thought that you still enjoyed it.

That would be "The Silent Land". No jaw-dropping metaphors, no deep philosophical truths. Just a good ghost story.