A review by christianabarwo
Terminal by Brendan Reichs, Kathy Reichs


I think this was a fitting end to the series I loved as a child. The Trinity were an interesting bunch and they definitely provided some mystery. I don't think I'll read any of the other books in the seies. I know there are novellas that are also apart of the series.

I didn't like the love triangle between Chance, Tori, and Ben. Mostly, it just highlighted how much better Chance was because he acted so much more mature than Ben. I've always preferred Ben as Tori's main love interest in the previous books, but I really didn't like him in this book. He was so childish and whiny and bossy. He always tried to tell Tori what to do, which made him seem insecure. Him fighting Chance near the end wasn't it, and the throwing jabs at Chance in life and death situations was irritating. I kept having to remind myself that I actually liked Ben and that he was my first choice love interest for Tori. But it was hard. I took off a star just because of him.

Surprisingly, Ella was my favorite character. I think I enjoyed how complex and nuanced she was. And I love that Tori has a female friend. I felt sorry for Chance the entire story. He had no friends and Tori's pack didn't seem to trust him.