A review by toc
Why Read the Classics? by Italo Calvino


[a:Italo Calvino|155517|Italo Calvino|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1501975461p2/155517.jpg] poses this book's title as a question. I propose that it should be a statement. The essays in this book are, in my mind, exactly why you should read the classics. The "classics" you're thinking of are very likely in Calvino's list of classics. But his list is so extensive! Borges has the reputation of having read all the books but Calvino must have read nearly as many. His knowledge of 20th century literature is so vast that I, at least, was often left behind. Gladly so! Because now I know of so much more I should read. The danger of reading this book is all the books it will add to your reading list.

Here's an example sentence from the essay "The Philosophy of Raymond Queneau":

Between Homer, 'the father of all literature and all scepticism', and Flaubert who understood that scepticism and science are identical, Queneau accords positions of honor, first of all to Petronius, whom he considers as a contemporary and brother, then to Rablelais 'who in spite of the chaotic appearance of his work, knows where he is going and directs his giants towards their final Trinc without being crushed by it', and finally to Boileau.

OK, so I've read Homer. Who hasn't? But the rest of the list, including Queneau, leaves me in the dust.

Your mileage may differ. You may be vastly more well read than I. (not difficult) You may be an academic. Perhaps you've read all the books published in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. If so then these essays will be even more delightful for you than they were to me. Because don't get me wrong. These essays are pure delight. I was fascinated by those on authors unknown to me but totally enraptured by those on authors I do know. I gained new insights into the works of Borges, Pasternak, Twain, Stevenson, James, Dickens, Galileo, Ovid, and Homer.

Having finished [b:Why Read the Classics?|9814|Why Read the Classics?|Italo Calvino|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1385233848l/9814._SY75_.jpg|1194952] I can say one thing at least. I believe I have now read all I can find written by one of my three favorite authors: The incomparable Mr. Italo Calvino.