A review by quizkidpatrick
I Drink for a Reason by David Cross


At one point I was reading this in the doctor's office waiting room. I kept laughing out loud and everyone was looking at me awkwardly. It is ok though because I really enjoyed this book. David Cross is definitely one of my top 5 favorite comedians and he hit this out of the park. I would eventually like to hear the audio version because he reads it himself and it would be like hearing a long version of his stand up. He even included a piece from his web page that he released after it was found that [b:A Million Little Pieces|1241|A Million Little Pieces|James Frey|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1157865754s/1241.jpg|3140930] was fictional. It made me laugh even harder after all this time.

If you don't care for David Cross' brand of humor then this book is not for you. In fact if you only know him from Arrested Development then I would not recommend this book for you. But this book is hilarious if you don't fall into these categories.