A review by teresainohio10
Holly Blues by Susan Wittig Albert


Usually when reading a series, with this many additions it is like catching up with an old friend, not this time. China is quite whiny and preachy throughout the whole book. Characters talking to the reader while telling the story, usually is a fun thing for me. I get information other characters don't have and it adds to the depth of the plot. Instead I get a lecture from China about how bad the economy is and how urban sprawl is hurting the Texas countryside. If I want this I will watch the news. Now for the mystery, where was it? McQuaid's ex wife blows into town and from past novels we know this is bad news. Well she is in trouble and will bring heartbreak to the family, but no tense moments, and really no action in this novel. And most of the characters only make cameo appearances and China telling the story just didn't work.