A review by jenbsbooks
Dumped, Actually by Nick Spalding


Nick Spalding books ... they aren't ones I'd totally recommend to others (very crass/vulgar, British accents in audio,  over the top silly) BUT I seek them out. They are a perfect palette cleanser, generally quick and easy ... and they make me laugh. I was laughing here. There is a scene early on, when the MC wanted nice background music by The Light Touch Quartet playing "All of Me" and gets a different attempt. One thing I note in books, when a SONG is being sung in the book, is it sung by the narrator in the audiobook? Here? Yes. "Some of me loves all of you. All of me loves parts of you. Chunks of me love lumps of you. OOMPAH OOMPAH. "  I laughed :)  

"Bu..bu...bu"  Poor Ollie.   I thought the little Easter Egg of Dry Hard (which I have read also) was funny. I think my most memorable was Fat Chance though. The Dumped Actually tied in just a bit to the current season, as Love Actually is considered a Christmas movie.

There was a small "suicide" moment ... I'm not sure it was really that essential to the storyline.  Then the book shifts into Ollie's writing of Dumped Actually, and some of the experiences and responses/recommendations on how to overcome his heartache. Some learning along the way. I have to say I did feel for Samantha from the start, that she should never have been villainized. If she wasn't feeling it, wasn't ready, what SHOULD she have done?  I'm not a fan of big over the top proposals.

I always try to grab a Nick Spalding book when I have Kindle Unlimited ... they are definitely not ones I can read back to back, I need to space them out, and I'm honestly a little surprised I like them as much as I do.  These are "read and listen" and I thought the audio was well done. The "singing" added to that small part, and much of this is internal thoughts. I did look over the text too, I like having both. I was disappointed in the Table of Contents. The chapters had clever headings, and I just don't know why they aren't included in the TOC (not on Kindle or Audible). 

1. Man Proposes, Woman Disposes
2. We Were Going to Ride an Elephant
3. Back to Actual Life
4. The Impossible Art of Saying No
5. Eyes of a Disapproving Doe
6. Vanity, Thy Name is Woman
7. The Trauma of the Tiny White Balls
8. It's Not You - It's Most Definitely Me
9. A One-Way Trip Into a Weird Little Mind
10. Vows
11.Everything is Going to be Fine
12. It's Just Meant to Be

As a reader - I love looking at the chapter headers after reading and having that little reminder of what was in each section. These SHOULD be included in the Table of Contents in my opinion. 

There are also several Interludes sprinkled throughout (these are letters from readers) and an Afterlude (haven't actually heard that term, and it's being flagged by spellcheck, IS it a word?)

Content: proFanity x45 and some sex/masturbation, suicide discussion