A review by laurettalol
The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel) by Nagaru Tanigawa


Captain's log:
2nd of December 2020, 02 hours and 18 minutes
9 years
We have been blessed with another novel
I must admit, all hope had been lost when last reported 3 years ago
All content had been marathoned in the hopes of quenching that thirst for a new book, however no news of rescue from this despair came our way
Who would have thought that in the midst of a terrible year, the sweet merciful voice of Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko would whisper the words "do you have a minute to hear about our lord and savior Haruhi Suzumiya?"
OH I'm listening

Reactions recorded were as follows:
"Wait!!! What??? Really??"
"No fucking way!!! Is this real???"
"It's real as fuck y'all"
*All reactions came from the same subject, sanity levels were extremely low on account of the abstinence, she tends to talk to herself lately

25 of November, t'was the day we rose from the ashes

Oh man! Remember when I wrote that review of 'The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya' hoping we would get a new novel in 2017? HA! Oh past me, you sweet summer child...
Nonetheless my wish has come true and in true Haruhi fashion, it came to be 3 years after I asked for it (I should have taken into account the time my wish would take to reach Hikoboshi and Orihime)
Even if I had already read 2 of the stories through fan translations, my terrible terrible memory allowed me to enjoy them as if reading for the first time, and I absolutely loved it.
I love the SOS Brigade and I've missed the SOS Brigade, reading Kyon's narration just warmed my heart, being back with the gang was absolutely spectacular.

The Tsuruya story was great, Nagaru Tanigawa is being so cheeky with the whole metal rod thing... the Chekhov's gun principle is mentioned in the novel, and I legit thought he was going to give a purpose for the metal rod, but nope.
It was more of a "remember that thing? Yeah, it will come into play... eventually", and I love that for us hahah

I don't even know what to write here anymore, I just felt I should write a sequel to my desperate cry from the review I wrote when I reread the series.
And if it takes 3 years from 'writing down your wish' to 'new book being published', I'll just ask for a book 13 right here

