A review by lilmatt050
Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka, Vol. 8 by Osamu Tezuka, Naoki Urasawa, Takashi Nagasaki


Pluto is over. The End. Fin. I do not know how I can compose my thoughts in a coherent way that allows me to critique it and still let the reader know that this is definitely one of all-time favorite mangas I have ever encountered in the 24 years that I have been alive but I will try! The end on a thematic scale was beautiful and impactful that I can comprehend why Naoki Urasawa took that route especially since this manga is based on the Astroboy manga. But in all honesty this manga felt a bit too happily ever after with a bow on top and extremely extremely rushed. If that was the case I would have been fine with another volume to digest all the revelations and action-packed sequences.

So if you haven't realize it Atom (Astroboy) was resurrected from computer limbo except this time around he has Gesicht's memory inputted into his A.I. memory frame therefore he is not the peace-seeking boy that everyone loves and cherish. Atom has hatred in his heart and seeks revenge for the monster that destroyed his friends. Another plot twist which everyone should have seen it coming a million miles away and yet it will get you every time is Pluto is the most advanced A.I. Robot trying to emulate humans. If it is trying to succeed at that task then it leaves room for the robot to lie and deceive itself. What we learn is Abullah is the mastermind behind these killings and did I forget to mention he is a Robot? His plan is to detonate his ultimate form under a volcano that will wipe away all of mankind.

Destroying the world seems horrifying for everyone and those who support a world without Robots are actually quite a lot of people in this manga but the reality is that if organic life dies with this eruption then it is the robots who will remain and become the ultimate superior race of species. Atom seeks revenge and almost kills the robot that destroyed all the super robots but then makes the connection from Gesicht's memories that hate does not solve our problems. Hate causes it more and it is only through love that we can find peace within ourselves and others.

Atom is willing to sacrifice himself in order to save the planet but Pluto becomes the greatest hero when he sacrifices himself to stop the bomb from exploding. I really love that concept and do not have issues with it if it weren't for the fact that the execution was rushed and left a sour taste in my mouth by the time I reached the end. I do not know if I would have had the same reaction if I paced myself evenly instead of binge reading the last three volumes but we will never know that answer. What I can say is if you are looking for a new manga to read or want to enter this medium then I highly suggest picking up this series!

I am shocked that this manga is not praised by the masses and the fact we have not gotten a film or anime series leaves me perplexed as to why it has not come to a reality. I am sad to part with this series but I am grateful that I took the chance and invested myself in this original and retelling of Pluto/Astroboy!