A review by cozylittlebrownhouse
Baby Bargains by Alan Fields, Denise Fields


When I started my new job as a nanny for a local family, the mom said that this book was fabulous; one day, while Little One was sleeping, I picked it up and read almost all of it. My husband and I don't yet have children, but I found this book to be wildly informative about all products for baby and I will definitely pick up the latest edition when our time comes. It's not perfect, however, and you will most certainly want to do some review-comparisons for yourself. I noticed while hunting down some of their most recommended items that the reviews online were terrible! Start here, and explore elsewhere.

If you are pregnant or have a pregnant friend or family member, I would highly recommend picking this up for them. Also, grab Baby 411 by the same authors. It's a phenomenal resource for parents and caregivers!