A review by lunelis
Hidden Huntress by Danielle L. Jensen


Hidden Huntress steps up what happened in Stolen Songbird. It's pretty fast-paced and constantly moving, integrating various plot threads as Cecile, Tristan, Chris, and Sabine work towards solving the many problems they face, from the issue of the finding the witch Annushka to stopping the king and duke from succeeding in their nefarious schemes.

In hindsight, there are a lot of clues to the identity of the witch, but during my first read, I was none the wiser and found it a very worthwhile twist that I hadn't seen coming. Overall, the way the plot is constructed is interesting and engaging. There are very few slow moments.

Like book #1, this book does have split POVs between Cecile and Tristan, which allows us a wider scope of story when the two of them aren't together. I honestly do like alternating POVs because it feels like it adds more layers to the tale without making it incredibly complex, you know? It's a simple way to add something more without weighing down the story and it's easy to connect to first person story telling (at least it is for me).

As usual, I found the characters engaging and I did see a bit of growth amongst them after all their ordeals in book one and the things they face in this one, though I think character based stuff takes a more backseat role to the plot-driven narrative, since there's so much to get done.

I will also say that this book does sort of end on a cliffhanger, but in a way it makes sense since it stops right before we enter the next arc (which is dealing with the trolls now they're free and unleashed upon the world, if you've read the blurb for Warrior Witch).

I did notice a few errors in the paperback copy I have, which is a little irksome, but overall I found the second installment of the trilogy very engaging and I read it all in one sitting. Still pretty teen friendly, though there is a "fade to black" sex scene wherein the reader is lead to believe Cecile and Tristan slept together but it doesn't outright say it nor is it discussed afterwards. There might be some cussing but nothing serious.

Overall very enjoyable! I'm looking forward to book #3.