A review by wampusreynolds
Cherry by Nico Walker


A long time ago there was a documentary on HBO and it had this guy just out of prison back in the New York neighborhood he grew up. He was doing all right, making a little dough and then he drove up to a sketchy spot. The guy behind the camera asked him, "Hey, what are you doing?" and the ex-con said "Just getting a little something." The cameraman let out this aggravated whine because he knew where this would head.

And I had the same exact aggravated whine reading this tedious litany of scoring dope. Just witnessing a dude do dumb (and sometimes hateful) things over and over. It was not that interesting or insightful or imaginative. I guess there's some gritty reality captured, but this gritty reality didn't offer much in style or art. The stint in Iraq had some of the best written scenes, but overall it did not work at all.