A review by pedrocintra52
The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone by Steven Sloman


This was the first book I've ever seen that went through human thinking and reasoning in a scientific way. It was a fascinating read for most of the time. Somewhere in the middle I got a bit bored, maybe I felt to repetitive or maybe I was just a bit tired of reading in english (I speak portuguese), so I took a break. This week I decided to come back to it and OMG I was just so engaged in the topics and the discussion. The authors desing some very good metaphors so it's quite easy (I guess hahaha) to catch the idea of a hypothesis or a theory. The ending summarizes the whole idea the authors have and it's really impossible to disagree after reading the whole book. My favourite parte were the chapters where they discuss why there is anti-science thinking today (and why is it so big) and their discussion on political opinions and extremism.