A review by juanpablo_85
Becoming the Narcissist's Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself by Shahida Arabi


This book is so solid & thorough. I think it's an excellent resource for survivors. Whether you're just beginning to believe you've encountered or been involved with narcissists or are already aware but not clear on a lot of the tactics & effects, this is a good place to start. It's a pretty hefty book but when you're searching for answers, that may not likely be a hindrance. I found answers, understanding, clarity & validation. It definitely stirred a variety of emotions & I suppose that's all normal when learning & understanding how you were traumatized & how it affected you. The book is primarily about romantic relationships but I find narcissistic parents act no differently & it is often re-enacting trauma from said parents that shapes the relationships we choose & how they develop. I believe that is key to helping break these abusive cycles. I am relieved to see a chapter about narcissistic women as male victims of abuse are seldom believed or heard & that's if they even come out about it, which most don't.

If you know or think you've encountered this kind of abuse, this is a good book to help with your understanding. Be advised, it will likely affect you emotionally.