A review by zoesallbooked
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas


Update Feb 20, 2021

This book has absolutely RUINED ME. Idk how I'm supposed to function at this point. This took me on a damn journey, an absofuckinglute rollercoaster. I vlogged the whole thing, so maybe I'll be able to make sense of my thoughts while editing that, but no guarantees.

Also, I hate the cover less in person? Don't get me wrong, it's still hideous, but there's less of a soul-deep hatred in person.

TWs for discussion of rape, domestic violence, and difficult childbirth

Update: Feb 19, 2021

My copy is supposed to show up today, and I am NOT EMOTIONALLY OR MENTALLY PREPARED.

Update: November 2020
I successfully blocked this out, but I've been reminded of it again at 2 am. Afraid to sleep in case of cover induced nightmares. Send help and pretty covers.


This cover does not spark joy.