A review by safekeeper
Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Croshaw



I read the last book in this trilogy first (I didn't notice when buying it that it was part of a series), and I have to say Croshaw's writing skills have improved greatly since this book. Will Save the Galaxy for Food has the same quirky humour, satire, and endless sci-fi parody writing as Will Leave the Galaxy for Good, and that many of us already know from his Zero Punctuation game reviews, and the worldbuilding is still quirky and interesting, but it's also far less refined. The pacing isn't as good, the jokes aren't delivered as well, even though to be fair, they made me chortle lots of times, and to be honest I found that the plot lacked direction. To be honest, when I was a few chapters from the end I was just ready for it to be over.

I love the idea of there being a whole society of Han Solo-type space heroes, each with their personal starships, who were all rendered unemployed when the invention of teleportation made space travel obsolete. No longer able to save planets from aliens or space travellers from pirates, the now-starving star pilots desperately hawk for gigs like guided tours of the locations of their heroics, while reminiscing of the "golden age of star pilots". This is an excellent setup, and it's well-handled and built upon throughout the book. Add to this an anonymous author who struck it rich by writing fiction novels which are basically uncredited accounts of the star pilots' exploits (a fact for which the star pilots collectively want him dead), an evil corporate supervillain, and a variety of evil aliens and cyborgs for the heroes to face off against, and you have yourself a yarn that takes the heroes of the tale through a wide variety of locations and situations. 

Perhaps this is my biggest problem with the book, though --it doesn't linger in one place or situation for long, instead the protagonists are quickly whisked away to the next location by the plot every time you feel a story arc starting to get interesting.

All in all, this book wasn't bad by any means --it made me chortle plenty of times and it's also a wonderful sci-fi genre parody, but if you're only going to read one book in this series, I recommend you pick up Will Leave the Galaxy for Good instead.