A review by empressofbookingham
The Havoc of Choice by Wanjiru Koinange


Dear book lovers fraternity,  

My mind is still in ellipsis. Have you met this sunny not so sunny 'The Havoc of Choice' penned so deeply, succinctly, thoughtful, heartbreaking beautifully?  

I'm heart broken but then again I'm so in love. I feel I've healed just a bit but I also feel way too raw, too clawed, too...Aaaargh!  

"The things she was hearing still felt too brutal to have happened in Kenya. They sounded like exaggerated tales from a place that was vaguely familiar."  

I nourished but then again starved; I'm thirsty for more. My brain cells need answers. Or is it justice? Is this normal to feel both extremes of a spectrum? Is it?  

"Will we ever have a fair election in this country? " Will they get away with anything in this country over elections...? 

Will Kavata and Ngugi ever pull out from that dark abyss and at least reconnect their jigsaw? Has Ngugi learnt his lesson? Will Kenya heal and eventually wake up from its apathy? Will they stop abusing our right to vote? Do they even respect our voice, our choices? 

Doing a review as I usually do will not do this book justice. This is a freaking masterpiece! I feel like shouting from the rooftops. Sigh! Thank you for the 8 years of blood, sweet and tears you put into this work of art.

This is one of those books that'll never leave me. It took something from me (aside from salted water