A review by karo_221b
Hope Is the Thing with Feathers: The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson


Yeah, yeah, I know: Three stars only? How could I? Well... this was my first delve into the poems of Emily Dickenson. And I think it might have been a mistake to start with the complete works. The poems in this book are categorized by theme: Life, Love, Nature and Time&Eternity. And what I learned from this is that a find circa 50% of Emily Dickensons poems 'brilliant' and circa 50% 'meh' - and it all depends on the theme. Because I loved the poems about 'Life' and 'Time&Eternity' - I marked many pages to read them again - but the poems about 'Love' and 'Nature' were really not my thing and didn't do anything for me - at all.