A review by krhansen
The Silent Land by Graham Joyce


Wow. This is a beautiful, heartbreaking story. It gripped me from the start and propelled me to the end and I would have finished it the same day I started if only it were not 1 am and I truly needed to go to bed. I finished the next morning when I woke. I really do not want to say too much because of the nature of the book...hints or spoilers would simply ruin everything. The twists and turns keep the reader on their toes, drop breadcrumbs that are not too hard to follow, yet it is all told so beautifully...the style of Graham's writing makes it not matter. The mind plucking at the details to form a whole or solve the mystery float away, lost in the world and realm that the characters find themselves within. It will stick with me awhile. A truly beautiful love story.