A review by mirrorballmuses
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


sadly, as much as i really wanted to love it, i don’t think i understand the hype surrounding this one… it wasn’t so bad to the point i wanted to DNF it at any point but i can’t lie and say i was sad when it was over.

like are we gonna fully ignore the fact she quite literally got shot???? and could have died??? i know it’s her job as a bodyguard but she wasn’t even on his case anymore so the whole thing (i know it’s fiction) just felt super unprofessional. LIKE GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING? also, did we REALLY need the update about how wilbur was doing at the end?

this is just a personal preference but i would’ve liked to see more of a slow burn between jack and hannah. they never really had time to meet/date outside of work responsibilities and i just feel like they rushed their relationship.

i normally don’t mind when romantic comedies are predictable because when i chose to read one i like knowing that i’ll be happy and comfortable. but i saw every single “plot twist” coming. i even saw the final sentence about him being her favorite kiss coming. so it was harder to enjoy when i just kept expecting these things and there was no level of surprise.