A review by booksandbonbons
Made for You by Lauren Layne


While this is the second book in The Best Mistake series, it can be read as a stand-alone. The author does a great job of fleshing out the characters and subtly rehashing their scenarios which were secondary in the previous installment.

Brynn is a one hundred percent uptight, by the book kind of women. She’s very left brained and has her check lists of tasks to accomplish in life, love and everything else. She had dated Gray in the past because he fulfilled all of her required items but ultimately it didn’t work out. They were too much alike and there was no passion. Now as she getting older (really just early thirties), she’s disappointed in herself and the lack of achieving her personal agenda.

As Sophie’s best friend, Will has been a fixture in their family for years. While he seems laid back and laissez-faire, he’s actually a driven entrepreneur something Brynn has failed to notice. After one night with her in Only with You, he abruptly moves to the opposite side of the country and more specifically remove himself from her disposition and rejection. He’s been in love with her from the moment he first saw her and now takes the time to regroup and figure out the next move with the puzzle of winning Brynn’s affection.

Brynn is beyond stubborn and Will has dealt with that for years optimistic he’d eventually prevail but as time goes by and he continues to feel beaten down, he also starts to lose hope. Their journey is as much about overcoming their perceptions and history as it is about a future.

While reading Only with You, I knew at the time I was more interesting in Brynn’s story. I don’t know if it’s because she so Type A overload personified or if it was the immediate love/hate chemistry with Will. Either way I knew I wouldn’t miss it and I’m glad I didn’t because there was no disappointment. In fact I read most of this on a plane to Vegas and whether it was hormones or just the book itself I found at certain parts I had to imperceptibly wipe a tear or two; there’s no crying in flying.

Rating: 4 Stars

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~Complimentary copy received in exchange for honest review.~