A review by b_morganbooks
Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson


This is the highest rated book on goodreads for a reason! After reading the first book a couple of weeks ago and it becoming a new favourite, I didn’t put this one on hold for long. Every aspect that I loved from the first book was built upon in this, and even the aspects that weren’t my favourite were refined to become my favourites. 

This book focussed more on Shallan and I really loved the chapters about her backstory. I love this format, I feel like it gives a lot of background to the characters and gives you no choice but to understand and empathise with their motives, regardless of whether you like them or not. I also loved watching the characters from the first book come together. Kaladin and Shallan in the chasm during the storm will live rent free in my head for the rest of my life.

Much like book one, I felt like I understood every plot line and scene, which just makes for an ideal reading experience for me. I feel like I’m so familiar in this world now, even though there is so much left to learn. I’m following Brandon’s reading guide so just a couple of other cosmere books to pick up before I jump into the next instalment and I cannot wait.