A review by vipinajayakumar
How Google Works by Jonathan Rosenberg, Eric Schmidt


I expected the book to be awesome when I added it to my reading list a few months ago. It was actually so good that I read it in a single sitting today :) Pretty much every idea in this book resonated very strongly with me. Focus on the user, the money will follow. Optimise for growth, not for revenue. Work is an important part of life, not something to be separated. Default to open processes. Fail well. Don't be evil. I also really liked the use of the expression 'smart creatives' to describe the learning animals who thrive in today's rapidly changing world.

The only thing that put me off was the focus on creating crowded offices and the stance against working from home. Whilst I agree that collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas are important, this felt a bit alienating to me as an introvert. Providing a bit of quiet space for those who need it occasionally to recharge increases overall productivity. Seriously, it's about time we stopped designing the world for extroverts only and tried to be a bit more inclusive.

Culture is one of the key ingredients to the success of a company. I highly recommend this book to everyone who cares about innovation in workplace culture.