A review by notguilty
Dauntless by Victoria Denault


Six books are definitely not enough for me. This reboot has blown me away in its calibre. Every book has been 5 stars for me. I loved returning to Vermont, I loved seeing old familiar faces, and I loved the way all these new couples intertwined.

But I guess it had to end, and Dauntless was a lovely story to finish it all. Hopeful and inspiring.

Rich political and conservative families are the devil incarnate. They are the worst humans, and Chase’s family is not different. If he wants his inheritance when he turns 28 he was to abide by his grandfather's morals clause. Which means gritting his teeth and living in the closet.

Whereas Bowen would give anything to have his parents back. Instead, he and his siblings are doing everything they can to keep their hemp farm going, including his brother running for Mayor and Bowen working at Vino & Veritas to help with the bills.

These two meet at V&V one night when Chase’s band is in need of a drummer and Bowen steps in to help. Their attraction is instant, but Chase can’t do repeats and Bowen won’t date another closet case. But the more time they spend together, the more time they talk, and the more they understand about themselves and the people they want to be. And it was wonderful to see how they would navigate everything put in their way to get to their happy ending.

They were a fantastic couple with such a bright future.