A review by ladyspooksjc
The Sentinel by Eden Winters


The Sentinel
Fourteen is a cybernetic killing machine soldier who fights for the Federation. Not completely human and not completely machine. After defying the order to kill a baby girl he leaves the Federation seeking a place to live without fearing the Federation.

I understand this was written internally as a short story but that doesn’t mean I like it. For this type of story, it was way to short and I want more! When something significant happened, it skipped ahead when something significant happened it would skip ahead again. I wanted it to slow down and let me bask in the moment …but nope we don’t do that here. Because of that everything and I mean everything was rushed. Overall, the plot was a fantastic idea, so creative I just wish it was more developed and not so rushed. Bottom line I’ll be looking into Miss. Winters lengthier stories. I would recommend to Romance/light Sci-fi lovers.