A review by acrackinthemold
Reason for Hope by Jane Goodall


Reading this close to “Ishmael” could be a good or bad thing as I feel they piggyback of each other nicely. YOU ARE HUMAN CHOOSE TO BE GOOD AND NOT SELFISH. YOU HAVE A CHOICE.

That’s pretty much the summary for both books and they both hit a nerve for me. If you know me you’d prob think I was already super familiar with Jane Goodall but not so. I knew she deals with issues that physically hurt my heart. I already boycott palm oil because of what happens to orangutans good lord I can’t handle hearing what devastation she has to report.

Most of the book was her views on religion and spirituality and while she’s more religious than I would have expected it was in a truly beautiful and inclusive way. Non judgemental of what god you may believe....just be a good and caring being in your own way. The lady is a literal saint. If she hasn’t been sainted they goddamn better. She captures lots of “existing in the moment” type snapshots of her life and I think it’s beautiful.

The whole book exudes her peaceful aura and was quite calming. Be excellent to each other (and critters too)