A review by readundancies
To Dust You Shall Return by Fred Venturini

Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
DNF @ page 79. Give or take because I’ve skimmed the middle but I’m not counting that. 

Is the whole Hotel California thing a trope? Because if so, this book has it in spades. 

Totally not why I’ve DNF’d this though. 

I just think this kind overt horror is not for me. 

I don’t like that Harlow is this creepy fucked up place with creepy fucked up things going on within it and everyone just kind of goes along with it. Beth’s perspective has all of this unnerving maliciousness that feeds off of the town of Harlow and it all circles around their sinister Mayor and none of it makes sense to me, but everyone within the town’s borders seems to find it very commonplace. It’s so extreme right off the get go and I think I prefer to ease into my horror and get increasingly weirded out, instead of it just served on a silver platter right at the beginning. I need that build up. Because at this point, I’m not terrified, I’m just confused. 

There’s also this mystery plot seed embedded in Curtis’ perspective which is almost completely subverted by the sadistic torture that permeates Beth’s. They connect fairly quickly and in an obvious manner (especially if one decides to partake in the back cover synopsis), and because of the pacing I’m not feeling like there’s enough time for me to settle with the characters. 

So yeah, this horror is not my kind of horror, but I’m glad I picked it up so I could learn that about myself. 
I’m a bit disappointed because I’m actively choosing not delve into the cannibalism that this book promises which I was actually quite excited about, but live and let die, ya know?