A review by lochanreads
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski


The Last Wish is an adult high fantasy novel set in a medieval world about a brooding Witcher called Geralt of Rivia. Witchers are mutant humans who slay monsters but are also seen as unnatural monstrosities themselves. On his travels, Geralt faces fearsome beasts born of incest, scheming wizards, genies, witty demons and a powerful sorceress whom few could stand against.

I loved how vivid and mythical and magical this novel was. I don't usually enjoy overly expository writing but there's something about the way Sapkowski does it that is genuinely interesting and doesn't feel cumbersome or too heavy-handed with the world-building.

The writing also has a sharp wittiness and clever dialogue that I really enjoyed reading even if it was at times overly cynical and a bit convoluted, I still could appreciate these ripostes;

"Nevertheless there's been no lack of fools racing to the palace for the chance of joining the royal family. Two apprentice shoemakers, to be precise. Why are shoemakers so foolish, Geralt?

"I had that wreck insured for a massive sum!"
"Does the policy cover magical and supernatural events?"
"Of course."

"I'll thump my head against the pine tree and render myself helpless. Will that grant you satisfaction?"

Of course this is an escapist fantasy novel but it's also quite political so then reading this book politically from the perspective of a black female, I can't overlook all the negative connotations to blackness and womanhood throughout the story which was incredibly disappointing given how much I enjoyed everything else.

But otherwise, a deeply enthralling, deeply riveting and humorous book. Would recommend