A review by dreaminfiction
Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover


⭐️ 4

Hopeless, but from Holder's perspective. Overall, really liked it, though it took a little longer to get into it.

The Good
- You get to find out more of Holder's backstory.

- I enjoyed getting to learn a little more about what happens after Hopeless ends.

- I felt like I got more closure than I did with Hopeless.

- Holder and Breckin's friendship was fun.

The Reason I Docked a Star
- I would have enjoyed more new scenes. Most of the book were scenes we already read from Sky's perspective. While I understand that for some scenes, I don't know we needed all of them from both POVs.

- I would have liked to learn more about Holder's life before the plot of Hopeless starts and he meets Sky. It felt rushed, and I wanted to know more.

 Read If…
- You liked Hopeless.

Read (But Not Quite Yet) If...
- You just finished Hopeless. For the reasons mentioned above, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had taken a longer break between reading them. I'd recommend waiting at least a month or two before diving into Losing Hope.

Don't Read If…
- You haven't read/enjoyed Hopeless.
- You hate Holder.

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