A review by mrose21
The Billionaire's Voice by J.S. Scott


Quick Info
Standalone/Cliffhanger?: Standalone
Part of a Series?: Yes
Meeting the Characters
Tessa Sullivan
Micah Sinclair
What happens?
Tessa is a deaf ex-figure skater. She lost her hearing thanks to a menigitis infection which stole her hearing before they cured her of the illness. She believes she cannot skate anymore as she cannot hear the music, her ex fiance had made it clear that she was only half a woman and so she avoids anyone getting close to her working herself to the bone by working three jobs when she doesn't need to.
Micah has been looking after his youngest brother Xander who witnessed their parent's murder. His doctor advised Micah to get away and have a break because of his migranes. They meet when Micah walks into the house he just bought with Tessa undressed in the bathroom. He isn't aware she is deaf and so makes a little bit of a fool out of himself.
Final thoughts
This was nice. Very sweet and I liked both characters. Micah is nice to Tessa and treats her properly. However it was a little boring in parts because nothing happens, there is no big issue they sort of float along on a happy cloud of romance and while its a nice read in that respect there isn't a lot to keep you reading aside of the romance.
Would I read again?: Yes
Would I read this author again?: Yes