A review by bitchie
His Hearth by Mary Calmes


I swear, I remember liking the rest of the series, but I just did not like this one much at all. The pace was too fast, the MC was too "Jory", as usual, and there was too much going on, with not nearly enough time focused on the whole paranormal demon hunting aspect, which really seemed to come out of left field.

I came to the conclusion while rereading this that Mary Calmes essentially writes fanfiction of her own characters. She created a specific set of characters, and just uses them over and over again, in different settings and worlds. Jory, Jory as a government agent, Jory as a wereleopard, Jory as an ad agent, dating a demon hunter, but always always Jory- the cute quirky guy that EVERYONE loves. The secondary characters change up a bit. a lot of times it's just another Sam, but sometimes, we get two Jory-esque characters for the price of one.

I shouldn't complain, everyone knows what they're getting into when they pick up a Mary Calmes book, I just didn't feel that this particular one was done nearly as well as others by this author.