A review by booklife4life
Gossip Girl #11: Don't You Forget about Me: A Gossip Girl Novel by Cecily von Ziegesar


At A Glance

Young Adult; Chick Lit
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: Triangle.
Cliff Hanger: kinda.
Rating: 4 Stars.

Score Sheet
All out of ten

Cover: 8
Plot: 7
Characters: 7
World Building: 7
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: 9
Writing: 8
Ending: 4

Total: 7

In Dept

Best Part:
Things settle a bit.
Worst Part: That ending!
Thoughts Had: Nate, time to face the music; Blair freaking out!


Continuing the Series:
Recommending: yes

Short Review: Well that was interesting. That ending was crap for sure. Way to be a flake Nate. Blair freaked out for sure when she found out some news, Serena took it wayyyy too well. I'm still not sold on Dan being gay. Jenny is thankfully mostly out of this story!

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