A review by yinkaseun
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko


Tarisai of Swana is the daughter to the woman called The Lady and her father Melu who’s an Ehru. Tarisai is half mortal and half immortal. Her conception is out of a bigger plot The Lady has towards the Emperor. Tarisai was raised specially in an enchanted house with no contact with humans. The Lady grooms her so she will qualify for a program that trains children with superpowers in the Children’s palace. The children who will eventually become council members for the future heir to the throne.

Tarisai of Swana is burdened with a responsibility by her mother The Lady, to fall in love with the Prince and kill him afterwards. But she would realize that the task wouldn’t be so easy to carry out. Tarisai finds family love that she craves in the hand of her council siblings. Would she betray their love and trust just to please a mother she barely knows?

Tarisai would eventually uncover the reasons behind her mother’s motive to kill the heir to the throne. But would the reasons be sufficient enough for Tarisai a council member to betray her oath?