A review by trin
To Love and to Cherish by Patricia Gaffney


Charming, if poorly paced, historical romance. I really liked both protagonists, which made for a nice change; the highly moral, sweet, and slightly repressed Reverend Christy was especially a treat. I got the recommendation for this book from a list in [b:Beyond Heaving Bosoms|5660117|Beyond Heaving Bosoms The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance Novels|Sarah Wendell|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1226683697s/5660117.jpg|5831642] of the Smart Bitches’ favorite non-alpha heroes, which I am very grateful for; I only wish there were more romantic heroes of this type. As far as I’m concerned, all those caveman-types can go bludgeon themselves.

Less generally, I also wish that the whole middle section of this book, in which Christy and Anne angst a lot but very little actually happens, could have been a whole lot shorter. Far too much of the plot is shoved into the very beginning and the very end of the narrative. Nevertheless, I found this to be an above-average romance: I liked and cared about the characters, and I even enjoyed the little Victorian village Gaffney creates. If I come across any used copies of other historicals by her, I’ll probably snap them up.