A review by swordvampire
From A to X: A Story in Letters by John Berger

I picked this book up through Verso's sale a while back—I had been talking to the bookseller at my local used bookstore about John Berger and he had suggested I try reading his fiction. I had been looking for Berger's art history books as I am a big fan of the Ways of Seeing Series (watch here: https://youtu.be/0pDE4VX_9Kk?si=35SVTRII6XYvkeSM). In fact, I hadn't even been aware he wrote fiction. 

I'm glad I took a chance on this book. I thought it was a clever little novella. It's written in epistolary between two lovers, one inside and one outside of prison. The setting and time remain very retracted; implied or even kept ambiguous on purpose (although it did mention a cell!). It felt very apt for the state of the world as it is now, but it reminded me of so many points of history in the past 60 years. I would argue it's a timeless story. 

The playing with language and references was really exciting to parse through. There were secret meanings and hints at an overarching plot. But, ultimately, it was very human and very confident in the triumph of the common man. How our love for our community and how determination for better will sustain us. 

I definitely would recommend this book. Berger was a very clever writer and I appreciate the way he engaged with the world; either through fiction or looking back at history.