A review by bookergirl90
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by John Tiffany

I'm not going to rate this yet. I need to think it over.

I didn't hate this, but don't have a love for it like I have for the other books. It had some great moments of nostalgia, but also parts that just felt like fan-fiction. There were some issues with it, but I do also realize that since it it just a script some things aren't going to be portrayed as well on paper as it will have on stage...

UPDATE 1/12/17
I am still not going to rate it. It exist and that is all I am going to say. I feel like I can not rate this. It's not Harry Potter. If I rate it a high rating it would be w/ nostalgia goggles, and I am going to recognize it as fan fiction, and I can't rate fan fiction because it's not the real thing. I am just going to pretend the story is a self-published fan fiction that is not cannon.