A review by kristelwyman
The Woman in Our House by Andrew Hart


This book is so challenging to review. My review system is that I only go on how much I enjoy the book, I don't consider how skilled the writing is specifically... however, in this case, I enjoyed the book less because the writing had a lot of problems. Overall I enjoyed the book and was quite captivated by it, curious about how things would end, and what the agenda of various characters was. However, SO much of this book is filler. You know when you're in school and you have to write a 1000 word essay and you write about 750 and then just add random crap to fill it in? That was this book. It's already a quick read so I can see why they didn't edit this down, but it would have been better as an even shorter book, culled to the best parts. I'd give it 4* for how much I enjoyed reading it, but I'm taking off one star for the lack of editing. Andrew Hart, you need a better editor.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Net Galley, in exchange for an honest review.