A review by triciab04
Lying Season by Karina Halle


Aggghhhhh Karina Halle, what did you do to me??!! That ending??!! That story!!! The characters! EVERYTHING was amazing. I laughed hysterically ( oh god the shoe incident was hilarious) I was shocked by certain parts, I felt every second of the sexual tension oozing off the pages, I rooted for Perry like I never have before, and I literally ran up my stairs to my bedroom at bed time for fear of something lurking behind me!!! Is it just me or has this series just got better and better with each book??

Perry and Dex were brilliant in Lying Season. I love seeing Perry shrug off some of that insecurity. She blew me away in this book, she was glorious. And Dex, oh yeah loving him more and more too. With every book we get a closer look into who he really is and what makes him tick, and I like what I see! Rebecca was also a great addition to the series. I' hope to see more of her in the coming books. And Jen, I'd love to see her get her ass kicked by Perry...hard.

Lying Season had it all folks. It blows my mind how talented this author is, she rivals Stephen King for writing some horrifying scenes. Literal chills at some parts. Seriously, I'm watching Aladdin before bed because I needs comfort!

With each development and answer we finally get, ten more questions pop up. I'm dying to know what happens next, with so, so much. I'm totally invested in this story now. I need to get all my answers dammit! I can't wait to see what the next book has in store, at this rate I have some really high expectations. Just brilliant, stop waiting if you haven't started this series.