A review by duckoffimreading
The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time by John Kelly


John Kelly researches the Black Death aka Plague for 5 years to establish an in depth analysis of how the plague came to Europe in the mid 1300s (started in Genoa through port trading of silks, etc), spread across countries like wildfire and impacted political and social responses including Jewish progroms and self flagellation parades (wtf?). Christians accused Jews of poisoning wells w plague, others said it was due to God’s discontent with human sin. Regular waves of plague rocked Europe for hundreds of years wiping out millions and millions of people; 1/3 of Europe was wiped out and of course rich and poor alike were infected. People were dying in mere days after infection, similar to hemorrhagic ebola. The plague was caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, with animal carriers like rats and marmots. Plague infection is clinically defined as bubonic (pustules) or pneumonic (which could spread human to human). Kelly goes as far as to review current day plague deniers (double wtf?). Needless to say, one of the most devastating epidemics in history and every corner of the world was touched. For those with a penchant for dark history and infectious diseases, you’ll find this interesting. A little slow in places but very thorough.