A review by caffeinatedcrystal
Pumped by Linden Bell


Have you ever heard of cute aggression? Because to me, Owen is cute aggression personified. Or as Everest calls him, an overthinking grumpy gremlin.

I LOVED Pumped! I also just really love Linden Bell. I am so sad that the Mars Fitness series is over. I highly recommend EVERY book in her catalog. You don't have to read them in order. They stand great on their own.

Owen and Everest are opposites, and co-brothers-in-law? Their siblings are married to each other. If you love a story with ✨️a fine line between love and hate✨️, that's Everest and Owen. They're oil and water and so into each other and also simultaneously into hating each other. 

When tragedy strikes and they are tasked with co-parenting their niece, we are looking at a forced proximity situation.

These two were absolutely ridiculous. I was also FIRMLY reminded why I never want(ed) kids.

It was heartbreaking watching Owen and Everest navigate grief, upheaval, becoming "new" parents, AND also manage to fall in love. It was just so much, and they were doing the best they could.

The spicy scenes were 🔥🔥🔥 and matched up well with each mmc's character and personality. Owen wrestling with his feelings and Everest running from his own was also right on track, too.

Overall? I loved this one. These two struggled on and persevered through the worst thing that can happen, and they ended up falling in love. I was so here for it.

PUMPED is available now directly on Linden's website and goes LIVE on the 'zon February 23rd.