A review by yatez
Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been by Jackie Hill Perry


Here’s the thing, you can be a brilliant and powerful speaker and still be spewing incredibly dangerous rhetoric.

This author is someone who doesn’t know or understand that you can both be a Christian AND be gay. God doesn’t make mistakes. The love and attraction the author says she STILL has for women is good and beautiful. Trying to suppress this, and to get others to do the same is playing with people’s lives.

Unconditional love is loving someone wholly. Including aspects you may not understand. This should apply to others as well as yourself.

This author has blood on her hands, and it ain’t the blood of Christ.

I see her, and I see her struggle. I hope one day others can love and affirm her so that she can be a whole and healthy gay person. There are so many churches that would welcome her unconditionally with open arms- her whole lesbian self.

And I hope she chooses to step into her truth sooner rather than later as each time someone looks to this book for help, they will find themselves more lost, confused, and isolated.