A review by emmascr
Falling for Mr. Bad by Melissa Foster


This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from the PR Agency in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Thank you to Melissa and Sharon for providing me with a copy of this book. I am a huge fan of Melissa's work and have been reading her books for many many years now. This is the 11th book in the series but all can be read as standalones.

I have been eagerly awaiting Sable Montgomery's book as she is a very feisty character. Kane Bad (brother to Jonny Bad - Rocked by Love) is a tatted-up self-made billionaire. He is used to getting what he wants but Sable is quite the challenge. I absolutely loved the first meeting of Kane and Sable. It was so them and had me laughing so much! Sable and Kane have that instant spark. Their relationship is full of snarky comments, banter and chemistry.

I soon fell in love with both characters and was rooting for them to find a way to make it work. Both deserve to find love and be happy. They are both hot individually but together they are smoking!

Melissa always wins my heart and my emotions in this one were all in. From swooning to crying Melissa brings them all out in me!

This book is about love, the family you are born with and the family you choose. If you are looking for a heart warming love story with a lot of spice then this is one for you.