A review by entirelybonkerz
Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews


I received an ARC for this book from Harper Collins in exchange for an honest review. This is a spoiler-free review.

That being said, this is me right now:

I will never, ever be able to put into words how much these characters and this world mean to me. This series has saved my life, multiple times. I am a better person because of them. I am a better person and my life is better because this series exists.

If I don't get an Arabella trilogy I WILL RIOT .

Throw in some extra Leon short stories in the mix as well, because I am NOT OK with not having any more material from these characters. Arabella DESERVES her own series and I want AND NEED her monster love story.

This was, as usual, impeccable. I understand they had to unpack a lot of things from previous books. We get all of our answers here, everything that was left unanswered from Nevada's trilogy as well. So this book was extremely heavy in the world building, family history, gene trees and more. However, we also got some amazing action scenes, as usual, the cutest and funniest dialogues and some adorable Catalina and Alessandro moments.

I did wish we had gotten a few more romantic moments. I feel like since they were focusing on so many different storylines, problems and wars, they didn't get a lot of time to focus on each other. That is my minor complaint.

My other complaint is that, every single conflict in this book could have been avoided/solved if Connor was around. However, I get why he wasn't. This is Catalina's story, not Nevada's any longer and using Connor as a "solve-everything" guy by either throwing money or his power at stuff isn't really a fair request.

I just miss them. I will always miss them. I am over-due my fourth reread of this series and reading this ARC just made me realize that I will never, ever love EVERY SINGLE character in a book the way I love these people.

I am the luckiest human being alive, just for being able to touch this advance readers copy THREE WHOLE MONTHS IN ADVANCE FROM RELEASE DATE. I am still in shock.

If you should know anything about me as a person, as a book blogger, as a reviewer, is that this series holds my body and soul. This series owns my mind and heart. This series has a shrine in my brain and these characters are the most incredible, organic and well developed characters I have ever read about.

You will never, and I repeat: NEVER, read a series with characters who feel as real as this. They exist, I can feel them, hear them, sense them. Their dialogues, their relationships, their dynamic, their family union, the pacing, the writing, the world building... there isn't a single flaw in this series.

This is, by far, the best urban fantasy series to date. Thank you for gifting us this world Illona Andrews.

Now give me Arabella's trilogy.

I am begging you.